Pavel Durov Shares Wisdom with 20-Year-Olds
Telegram CEO and VK Founder Emphasizes the Importance of Goal Setting, Risk-Taking, and Creating Value
Read on to explore the valuable insights offered by Pavel Durov to young people embarking on their journeys.
In a recent address to young people, Pavel Durov, the visionary behind Telegram and VKontakte (VK), shared invaluable advice, underscoring the significance of defining goals, embracing challenges, and leaving a meaningful legacy.
Durov's counsel resonated with his audience, as he urged them to set audacious goals and not shy away from taking calculated risks.
He emphasized the power of perseverance, stating, "The most successful people are those who never give up. They may fail time and time again, but they always keep moving forward."
Beyond personal aspirations, Durov implored the young generation to strive for impact and make a positive contribution to society.
"Your goal should not just be to make money or achieve fame," he advised. "It should be to create something that will outlast you and benefit others."
Reflecting on his own entrepreneurial journey, Durov highlighted the importance of surrounding oneself with talented and supportive individuals.
"Find people who share your vision and who are willing to work hard to achieve it," he said. "Together, you can accomplish far more than you could ever do alone."
Durov's words serve as a timely reminder of the boundless potential that lies within the young generation. By embracing his insights, they can navigate their paths, make significant contributions, and shape a brighter future for themselves and their communities.